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Content.ad may have just changed the game in NATIVE ADS!



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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I am impressed - just got an email from content.ad that they introduced a NEW Run of Network campaign type allowing us to run campaigns targettng high performance "networks".

This is a great thing in my opinion since bots are so rampant in many native ad networks.

Content ad is now grouping publishers into two separate tiers and reviewing them for traffic quality and performance. (of the level of review will be what matters but at least its a step in the right direction!)

The NEW Run of Network campaign type allows you to target campaigns to either Tier 1 only, Tier 2 only, or the Entire network.

Tier 1: Domains with a long-standing history of consistent, good quality traffic.

Tier 2: Generally smaller or new domains whose traffic may not match that of Tier 1.

Entire Network: Includes domains in both Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Moving forward, I myself would not test anything new on anything but tier 1 traffic even though it will likely be much more expensive. If you can't get Tier 1 working....Tier 2 would likely be a fail as well.

Wouldn't you agree?

Jason Streby

I know I do.

It might be a higher initial investment but if it's going to get us a better pool of potential customers it's well worth it. It's like what will get you a better ROI... hitting up a bunch of bots with no chance of conversions, or paying a premium to reach real people who have a genuine interest in your ads?

I think the answer to that question is pretty 'slap you in the face' obvious :)


Ok. I've had some pretty relevant/recent experiences with Content.ad that's worth mentioning so all of you reading this are aware.


Although their service is pretty good, the challenge is getting them to respond to you. Whether you do it by email or by in-app chat, they take a long time to answer. This is critical when we, as affiliates, need quick answers so that we can optimize our campaigns.

Another thing is that they prioritize questions. As of today's date, I'm still waiting for them to respond to a question I asked SEVERAL times regarding tracking and LP/Voluum set up. I didn't appreciate that. Full Disclosure: I wound up figuring it out myself, but their instructions on set up were sub-par AND incomplete.

Also when I asked for a refund for the bot traffic that I was getting (to which I provided Google Analytics and Voluum proof), they refused to give it to me. They said "these publishers are converting for other advertisers...blah blah blah." That's a significant problem. What we as affiliates consider "conversion" is clearly very different from their definition.

Second - SYSTEM

Their system is pretty intuitive and easy to figure out. Campaign/ad set-up is also very easy to figure out. A few things to keep in mind when optimizing campaigns with them:

1. NO day-parting optimization
2. They do NOT have readily available white list creation. You have to contact them first to activate the white list option.
3. White list domains are limited to 50 domains T-O-T-A-L. No more than that, EVER.
4. NO categories to target your traffic. This is a true RON (Run On Network).
5. NO gender and/or age targeting.
6. Minimum $50/day budget


What really chaps my ass about this traffic source is the publishers they deem "good quality." Any good traffic source would consistently look for new publishers to add to their network. This means both their Tier 1 and Tier 2 sections have publishers added daily.

This presents a new challenge. Presumably, their Tier 1 network should be top-class. However, it's not without it's problems.

I set up a US only campaign using only Tier 1 traffic. I would still get clicks from Zimbabwe, Australia, UK, South Africa, India, and Brazil. And guess what, I STILL HAD TO PAY FOR THOSE CLICKS!!! It wasn't just a few clicks either. Clicks from domains like website.co.za, website.co.au, website.co.ca, and others.

Their Tier 1 section is FLOODED with bots that you still have to manage properly with excellent tracking.

Now, I'm not bashing Content.ad. There is tremendous potential here. But you seriously need to have the money to get it working for you. I've already spent somewhere around $1,200 and still fighting bots. Have a large budget or a great relationship with network managers.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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That's great for people to know thanks for providing more info!

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