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Your Bing Ads might soon be on the mercy of machines



Your read the subject right. Microsoft is making some major changes in their advertising platform. Just when you start thinking Bing is out of the game, they come up with an attention-grabbing update.

Recently, Microsoft announced that they have blocked over 300k Ad Accounts from Bing for non-compliance and over a billion ads for the same reason too.

In their latest, Microsoft is all set to auto-apply suggestions to all active ads. I mean, no matter how awesome your ad copy is, machines can mess them up at any given time if they feel like while you are away. Google did the same a few months ago and mcc & individual media buyers had mixed feelings.

It is more like putting your ads in the hands of machines. However, you can opt-out of this feature, so if you feel like this isn't your thing, opt-out timely from within your account.

Pro-active media buyers should test the feature though ;)


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I recently implemented the uploading of conversions directly to bing - this should drastically help accuracy of the conversion data. Ill probably disable it until I can see if it is possible to test it first at a campaign level.

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