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Why You Should Pixel Everything! - Facebook & Google Retargeting



If you're not familiar with Google or Facebook pixels, you're likely losing out on some serious money and potential. Even if you're running a traffic source outside of Google or Facebook, you should still use pixels and here's why!

Facebook and Google give you the ability to "Warm" your pixel prior to actually even running ads on their platforms. So if you are running with another traffic source, you could be gather audience data for both Facebook and Google.

Wait.. What is Pixel data?

Pixel Data is information collected by a pixel for a designated event. The event could be a Sale, lead or page view. The event is whatever you want it to be in reality. Depending on what you want for an audience will determine which event type you may use.


Page View Pixel - Place this on your Landing Page
Lead Pixel - Place this on your Thank You Page after and opt-in or lead submit
Sale Pixel - Place this pixel on your Thank You Page after your purchase

How Can I Use Pixel Data?

Let's say you have 100 sales on a product and you placed your Sale Pixel on your thank you/order confirmation page. You can now setup that same product on Facebook ads and use that pixel data as an audience to find you MORE people like those who already bought your product. It gives you a massive advantage with your campaigns. The same goes for Google Display Ads and Retargeting. If someone bought a cool drone from you and you used your Google display sale pixel, you can now try to sell them similar products on Google Display.

Facebook and Google are two of the top paid traffic sources available. They can also be the hardest to crack when it comes to finding the right audience for your campaign. Using pixels will allow you to start your campaign with a great proven audience without the headache of testing.

The Best Part!

As you're using pixel data to start your Facebook and Google campaigns, the pixels keep getting data! You're essentially using your pixel data to build more pixel data which will in turn be used to build more pixel data and so on. This means your campaigns are going to keep getting better and better as the pixel data optimizes and finds your target audience.

Setting up you Facebook and Google pixel is fairly easy but when running CPA offers it can be tricky. As an affiliate, you don't have access to the advertisers offer pages to add your code. You can still achieve the same goal by placing you pixels inside your CPA Networks. Each time a conversion fires, the CPA Network platform should also fire your pixel. The problem with this is that the pixel is only good if the user originated from Facebook. Since the pixel isn't actually on the page, it can't capture cookie data from the user.

If you have any questions or need help setting up pixels, reach out and let me know!

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