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Three Reasons Why People Fail at Affiliate Marketing



When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are many successes but, unfortunately, even more failures! I can sum up this in 3 quick bullets why affiliate marketing does not work at times.

1) Unrealistic Expectation — The internet and YouTube is flooded with "easy ways to make money" type of content. If it was this simple, why isn't everyone rich yet? Why these self-proclaimed gurus are just showing off their feel-rich photo galleries and not giving hands-on practices? Well, If you want lasting results, you don't go fast. Just like you don't lose or gain weight fast, you don't get successful in affiliate marketing fast. It takes time, give yourself time. Give yourself time to learn, your time and efforts will start paying off gradually.

2) "Set It and Forget It" Approach — In such a dynamic environment, you must constantly keep the finger on the pulse of things. Numerous things will affect you, they will range from search engine algorithm to Industry specific challenges and to stay ahead of the competition you must constantly evolve responding to challenges in taking advantage of new opportunities.

3) Failure to Diversify — ​Putting all the eggs in one basket has never been a good strategy anywhere and affiliate marketing is no exception. As an Affiliate Marketer, do not rely on one promotional method or on any one marketing channel.

Keep these points in mind every time in the beginning, as I have seen people getting upset in the beginning.


Hi Zoe,

I recently posted my goals in another thread and set my profit at $5000/month. I don´t think that's necessarily unrealistic, but maybe thinking I can get there in three months is.

What are your thoughts?


Hi Zoe,

I recently posted my goals in another thread and set my profit at $5000/month. I don´t think that's necessarily unrealistic, but maybe thinking I can get there in three months is.

What are your thoughts?

That is achievable, just stay focused and open to diversification.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hi Zoe,

I recently posted my goals in another thread and set my profit at $5000/month. I don´t think that's necessarily unrealistic, but maybe thinking I can get there in three months is.

What are your thoughts?

5000 a month is very doable but it will take some hard work. As Zoe said stay focused...and always feel free to share your challenges here.
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