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This is How You Make Sure if a Display Ad will perform best on Facebook or NOT



Facebook Marketing isn't just about uploading a picture with a description and boosting the post. There is much more to it. Right now I am going to share some tips regarding the display creative i.e. ad picture.

I have seen beginners just choosing a random picture with a lot of text related to their business and using that picture as their ad. DON'T DO THAT.

Facebook Marketers who have been into this field for years have their minds programmed so they always be careful about the volume of text that they apply on any picture that they are going to use for their Facebook Ads.

You must never cover more than 20% of your picture with text. Repeating it, never cover more than 20% of your picture with text.

Facebook has carefully placed this limitation as they think ads having lesser text gets better reception, so they have this policy that your images should not exceed 20% of image estate.

More the text, lesser the reach of your ad.

You can use this tool to upload and check if your image is a suitable choice for an ad or not.

1) https://www.facebook.com/ads/tools/text_overlay
2) https://web.facebook.com/business/help/388369961318508

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