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New to FB ads? Here are 8 terms you need to know



It is important to know the basic facebook marketing jargon for better understanding of platform & its features.

1) CPM: Cost per 1,000 Impressions
2) Frequency: The average number of times each person saw your ad
3) ROAS: Return on ad spend
4) CBO: Campaign Budget Optimization: This setting is enabled by default for all new campaigns, and sets the budget at the campaign level. Facebook automatically redistributes budget allocation across adsets to optimize the campaign's performance according to your bid strategy.
5) Optimization Goal: What action the campaign is being optimized by. It is usually a specific conversion, click, or engagement.
6) Lookalike Audience: A type of audience that's created by Facebook to help advertisers reach people who are similar to an audience that they care about.
7) Custom Audience: A Custom Audience is an ad targeting option that lets advertisers find their existing audiences among people who are on Facebook.
8) Bid: The amount you bid in ad auctions to have your ads shown on Facebook. There are three bidding strategies you can use to determine how Facebook will bid for you in ad auctions, based on your cost and optimization goals.

I found these terms pretty new for a beginner, there are many more that are pretty simple in their meaning such as likes, clicks, budget etc so didn't include them

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