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More from Facebook: Stories Now Last for 3 Days



Recently I have seen that Facebook has given a new option to show a story for three days. I see this is a good opportunity to reach more people with the same content. I have noticed that when I used to show a story for 24 hours, stories would reach a few thousand accounts on my Facebook Page. Now, for an experiment when I used the new option and chose a story to remain active for 3 days before it disappears, I was surprised to see that the story was seen by three-times more accounts.

Earlier, I used to think that everyone on Facebook is accessing Facebook many times a day. But this recent feature of Facebook has given me new learning that there are many people who would be seeing Facebook to once in two days or three days. This is good learning to understand the pace you should keep for displaying your content.

I am going to use the same learning in my A/B testings as well. How I see now is, an A/B testing should be continued for at least 5 days so that Facebook could reach maximum people because even your target market is not using Facebook daily.

facebook story 3 days.PNG - facebook 3 days story

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