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Microsoft Taking Away Option to Block Partners - Soon we will have no control....ANYWHERE



Premium Member
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Partners for the most part are junk traffic from people who do click bait arbitrage....

It will be more important now to watch and block URLS in your campaign/account settings.

Change in ad distribution options

We have heard loud and clear that advertisers want more volume from Microsoft Advertising campaigns. Consumer behaviour is more dynamic than ever, and our goal is to help you find your audience in the right place and at the right time. To meet these needs, we are rolling out changes to our ad distribution settings to grow the quality traffic you get from us. There is no action you need to take, and we expect that most advertisers will not see any significant impact on campaign metrics in the short term.

What’s changing​

The ad distribution advanced settings at the Ad Group level are changing as follows1:

Previous options:​

( ) All search networks (Bing, AOL, and Yahoo search and syndicated partners)
This option includes native ads in Bing
( ) Bing, AOL, and Yahoo search (owned and operated) only
This option includes native ads in Bing and only applies to websites in certain locations
( ) Bing, AOL, and Yahoo syndicated search partners only
This option only applies to websites in certain locations

New options:​

( ) The entire Microsoft network (recommended)
• This option includes Microsoft sites and additional partner traffic for extended reach and lower cost-per-click.
( ) Microsoft sites and select traffic
• This option includes Microsoft sites and select partner traffic with performance and conversion rates similar to Microsoft Bing’s.
All options include search and audience ads.
Most advertisers already run traffic on the entire Microsoft network, which includes Microsoft partners. We recommend this option because it results in more conversions and, on average, provides a better cost per click2. Another benefit of this option is that it offers a detailed URL report with the performance of search partners used to extend the reach of campaigns. Using this report, advertisers can exclude the sites that deliver lower performance for their specific campaigns, customizing the network to their needs.
The new option called ‘Microsoft sites and select traffic’ restricts your reach to Microsoft sites and partner traffic that performs similarly to Microsoft Bing. These sites and apps will be reported in aggregate together with Microsoft sites, just like Yahoo.com is today.
Finally, since very few advertisers opted to run Ad Groups on our search partners only, we are removing this option for everyone who doesn’t use it. However, it will still be available for advertisers who use it today.
You can expect this change in the coming weeks, and you will be informed of the change via a Microsoft Advertising online notification or your account representative. If you have questions or need any assistance, please contact our support team or your Microsoft Advertising account representative.
All the best from the Microsoft Advertising team.
1. Exact words and descriptions are subject to change based on customer feedback
2. Microsoft internal data, world wide, all clients, data average, March 2022

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