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How to Select the Best Offer to Promote



Selecting Offers is key in making money online as an affiliate.

Most of the time the CPA netowrk will advertise the top convrting offers to you. But I have actually found several high converting offers without their help,. Usually affiliates make the mistake of assuming because the network EPC is high that it is a good offer, but network EPC could actually be based on only a couple affiliates!

When I first started out with CPA marketing, I thought by just getting accepted into a CPA network, all of my problems would be solved. However, getting accepted is the easy part. The really daunting part can be having access to all of these offers, but not having a clue how to go about picking offers or promoting them.

The tips below should give you a better plan going forward:

- Pick a vertical or niche you feel comfortable promoting
- Sign up to Offervault & oDigger and become familiar with their abilities to find similar offers and payouts.
- Browse through the offers available in your niche
- Pick a CPA offer within your vertical and see if there is demographic or keyword information for the offer
- Review offer's landing page so you can get ideas on how this offer is being promoted.
- Compare offer payouts between different networks
- Find the offer in your CPA network and if it’s not available in your own CPA network, consider asking your affiliate manager to get it!
- Research the features and benefits of the chosen offer

Before ever deciding to promote this with paid traffc you should really create a game plan and focus on these questions:

- Will my traffic sources allow me to promote this offer?
- What does the offer do for people?
- Why would somebody want to take advantage of this offer?
- What benefits would the visitor gain by taking up this offer?
- Who would be interested in your offer?
- What would be the general age range, gender, religious background, ethnicity or interests of people interested in this offer?

By researching the features, benefits and general target audience of an offer before promoting it, you’ll have a better understanding of how to pre-sell the offer on your landing page.

Now stop wasting time and design a few landing pages and test the crap out of this offer!

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