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How to make your CPA Network Fire FB Pixels



If you have not already setup your pixel, please read "How To Install FB Pixel Code - Step By Step" Forum post before moving forward.

1.) Copy your FB pixel base code from Ads manager to a notepad file. Locate the event id PageView


2.) Replace PageView with the name of your conversion event. If you used the Purchase event, change it to Purchase.


3.) Login to your CPA Network Account and go to the Postback and Pixels section for the offer you are running. Paste your edited FB pixel code as HTML. You may need to specify JS/HTML depending on your CPA Network.


Save your changes and you are done. Every time your CPA Network gets a conversion, your FB pixel will fire the Purchase event.


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Won't FB see the offer's thank you page though, if you are cloaking as in, fb can clearly see where the pixel fired from right ?
Also via this method can you still build a custom audience of the purchasers ?
For some reason I thought to fire the FB pixel that you had to hard code it into the thank you page.. that it wouldn't work via the post back method.


Won't FB see the offer's thank you page though, if you are cloaking as in, fb can clearly see where the pixel fired from right ?
Also via this method can you still build a custom audience of the purchasers ?
For some reason I thought to fire the FB pixel that you had to hard code it into the thank you page.. that it wouldn't work via the post back method.

This is not using a post back it's using the HTML pixel. When it fires from a CPA Network it still registers the purchase inside Facebook so you can still build your custom audiences using this method. A lot of Affiliates put their Facebook pixel into CPA affiliate Networks without any issues.

For your point about whether or not Facebook can see where your pixel is firing from they definitely can, but do they care? That is Up For Debate.

Especially lately since they have really been cracking down on advertisers who they think are linked to anybody that in the past has tried to manipulate their system or run black hat campaigns.

If you are running campaigns and you don't want Facebook to see that your pixel is firing from a network or from a different domain then you need to set up a thank you page with your own pixel, on your own domain and then set up a script or another iframe pixel inside your network or affiliate program to fire that page when a conversion occurs so that Facebook sees your domain when the lead or purchase or whatever action takes place.

Sometimes however this still leaks the original referrer to FB. So ask your affiliate network the best way to accomplish that or the offer owners.

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