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How to Make Money With Push Ads - 2021 Plan



I can't say about the 20 bucks that disappeared. It is either your bank or the platform that took it.

I haven't run Richpush but if I recall the Landing page CTR would very low based on the type of traffic.

Bot traffic may be the issue. You could try clickcease or a similar tool to help you with that. I believe some even have free trials.

Joey has Richpush videos on youtube. Have you watched them?

Can you share the landing page with the group?


Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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I´m testing a diet offer (Pill) on Rich Push and it´s being a weird experience so far.

First, they just ate $20 from my $ 500 deposit, so 4% of my initial deposit became smoke in the blink of my eyes.

There is nothing on their page saying about it, and I got a shady answer when I asked why that happened.

They even blamed my bank, as the bank is now taking a percentage of my personal expenses LOL. What is ridiculous BTW, because it just doesn't happen here in my country.

About the test campaign, it is being only one day running, I got their Premium traffic (the most expensive one), and so far I got 500 clicks to my pre-lander and only 4 clicks to the offer, and of course, 0 Conv.

To make the weirdness of this Traffic source even weirder, the heatmap is showing there is almost no page scrolling (only 0,1% scrolled the page), on both pre-landers.

Isn´t that weird!

Maybe it´s Bot traffic?

Is there anyone in this community running ads on Richpush currently? Not on theory, but running it for real?

Are you getting results?

I have $165 in there right now I paused last month I was just too busy with Facebook and google, and the ROI was lower than 10% but I was running Casino.

On that note I am going to do my next Youtube video for next week where I spend that $165 on Rich Ads and show the results and my attempt to get absolutely the best traffic. I will do everything in my power to get the best traffic and post it publicly (including reaching out to my rep for exact placements and best landing pages).

If it fails we can perhaps see if the staff at Rich Ads wish to respond on what is happening. :0

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