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How to Capitalize on the Latest Trial Business CRACKDOWN!



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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This is in reference to my post in the FB group and the one emailed recently regarding the latest crackdown on Trial offers.

Many people are looking at this Crackdown and getting very scared at how they're going to start earning money because all they know is how to push trial offers using advertorials. It almost seemed like every affiliate out there who was doing really large numbers new about this strategy of pushing trials.

With the latest Crackdown from the banks those affiliates who weren't prepared or those who didn't see this coming are wondering how they're going to make the next dollar. It's funny because I actually talked to an affiliate the other day who is considering getting a job driving with Uber. This guy did $200K in a month pushing trial offers in 2016!

I assure you there are ways to make money without getting into the Shady trial business and that's what this post is going to talk about.

Affiliates who are able to drive value to their customers will always win. It is naive to think that you cannot push good offers for-profit. The CPA industry has had a lot of heat because of some of the very shady offers that are out there - so what have we been doing different?’

Affiliates pushing straight sale offers with clear terms and e-commerce offers are making money. The return on investment is not as good as trial offers however it is a long-term strategy and in the long run you will make more money. You will not be chasing Facebook accounts or Network accounts on Revcontent taboola or outbrain.

You have to expect that you'll be spending a lot more money in finding a profitable campaign pushing these types of offers, but once you find one it is like finding a gold mine.

If you are looking for some straight sale offers we have some inside the Vault Media Network and we've been partners with these advertisers for over 5 years pushing straight sale diet offers and straight sale skin offers. This is the wave of the future.

The opportunity is here now because I think we might see a decrease in click costs in the short-term. A lot of the trial advertisers have to stop spending money on Advertising while they wait for their Banks to figure out what to do next. Someone said the other day 3500 mids were shut down!

Those advertisers who focused on straight sale over the last few years stand to make a lot more money now as Affiliates jump into the game and test straight sale offers.

The good thing about pushing straight sale is that you can actually do it without breaking terms on major traffic networks like Facebook, Google, Revcontent taboola outbrain Etc.

For those looking for e-commerce offers we also have a few of those inside the network. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the flashlight offer that was huge last year and as well the fidget spinners. While these two offers are not as good as they used to be this is the type of example I'm sharing because a lot of people made a lot of money pushing those types of offers when they were hot.

The best strategy is to find something new, something that everyone will want. Advertorials will still work. Video sales letters are also excellent for ecom on Native ads and Facebook.

I could go on and on but I would love to open this up for discussion.

Jason Streby

I think a good lesson to be learned from this shift in the industry is that things always have, and always will change. Don't get set in your ways and always be on the lookout for these changes so that you can be ready for them when then come. That's why it's great to have access to communities like this one right here, to exchange information and stay one step ahead.


Premium Member
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It's like everything else today, if it's 'perceived' as a ripoff or wrong, it's eventually going to get attention. People have grown tired of the scams online. Is there a glossary of terms here at the forum, I'm not sure what "Mids" are. Middlemen I assume. Brokers between Advertisers and Publishers, Affiliate networks? Thanks.


New member
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Hey mids are Merchant accounts i believe it means merchant id - usually a terms that refers to banking accounts that can accept credit card payment online.


Great To Know! I'm going have to follow up on more of your advice and split test to see what works

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