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How many affiliate campaigns do you actualy test before finding a winner?



Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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I am posting this cause I actually want to know how many tests people do before they find a winner...

I can tell you for myself I have tested hundreds of campaigns over the years.

By campaigns I mean testing an offer, a couple landing pages, multiple ads, and an angle.

If that doesn't work I start over with maybe new offers and new angles and would consider that a new campaign.

I can honestly say the old "test 20 and find 1 winner rule" is not the case. I can say more like 30 or 40 tests before finding something profitable.

Finding something scalable can take even more tests.

I can drastically reduce this number of tests by spying using tools readily available.

For example for my search ads I am using spyfu and semrush.

Just thought I would ask the community...how many tests have you done, and have you found any tricks to reduce amount of testing to find winners?


As for as my experience is concerned, I do the same, doing split tests multiple times keep different things fixed at a time and trying different variables. SEMrush and other tools are real time saver here, but still at times I do the tests, like getting the best ad copies and keywords from tools, and using it in different regions on different time-schedules to test which works better among them.

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