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Does YOUTUBE Marketing still work.. I have an answer Here




To put it simply, a few things have changed over the years but you can bet your bottom dollar that YouTube is still a very excellent resource to use if you want to get your products in front of a whole lot of eyeballs… that’s such a weird word, “eyeballs”. Anyway, let’s get to the point!

I was talking to a friend of mine who started this whole affiliate marketing thing a little less than two years ago and he was telling me about how he just started using YouTube to help promote his affiliate offers. I personally have never used YouTube before but I asked him if he wouldn’t mind writing up a nifty little cheat-sheet for us all and he agreed! So here you go.. Enjoy


Phase One:

-Pick a product from Clickbank or any place that you can see sales stats with. You want to find a product that is either new and doing well or already aged but still fairly popular. The reason for this is because people will probably be looking for this particular product or at the very least they’ll be looking for niche keywords relating to this product and other products like it.

Something to keep in mind here is that you want to probably go with a niche that is big and popular simply because you will get a lot more potential to hit it big with traffic instead of swimming around in a small pond like those more specific micro niches. Of course you can do both if you wish, and I’d even say you should if you’re up for it because it will be good practice and you’ll get a better understanding of the market and where you fit into it.

-Keyword research. Use the Google keyword tool if you want to but you’re going to want to find long tail keywords of at least 3-words or more. If you find it super difficult to find a minimal 3-word long tail keyword then 2-words will do the trick but work your hardest to go with three words and up.

A great way to find long tail keywords is to just go to the Google search page and type in a keyword then scroll all the way down to the bottom. You’ll find a list of around eight long-tail keywords that other people search for pretty often. You really only need 5 keywords for each YouTube video, so you can find your long tail keywords this way very quickly without too much effort.

Here is an example of some I found in all of 2 seconds by just searching for “weight loss” on Google… which by the way is not a very good keyword for a product you want to sell. I’m using this only as an example:

Searches related to lose weight
lose weight pills
lose weight fast
lose weight in a week
lose 10 pounds fast
lose weight calculator
lose weight men
lose weight diet
weight loss tips

Once you’ve settled on your 5 long tail keywords move on to Phase Two.

Phase Two:

-Get a video made for you at fiverr.com or make one yourself if you wish to. It doesn’t have to be very long, just 30 seconds long is good enough. It’s important to make sure the video is punchy and at the very least just announces what the product is, what it does, and then suggests the viewer look for more info on the website by clicking a link in the description.

-Once your video is made you’ll want to be sure the actual file of that video is named something relating to your keywords. In fact, if you use the same keyword for both your video title on YouTube and the file name of that video it will work in your favor. Just an example… [howtoloseweightfast.mp4] this is what it would look like just so you can see it and understand.

Phase Three:

-Ok, now it’s time to actually upload the video you had made (or made yourself) and to do this you of course need a YouTube account. Now, before you jump into this I very highly suggest you make a brand new YouTube account that you’ll use only for business purposes. It’s also very much recommended that you do NOT link your personal accounts and your business accounts. When you try to log out and back into anything owned by google it will try to link your accounts, it asks you things like ‘add account?’ don’t do that… instead log into your business accounts with an ‘incognito tab’ on your browser if you must. Or just use one browser strictly for business and one for personal stuff… there are so many browsers out there you have options. Opera, Firefox, Chrome, just to name a few.

-Once you have your account that’ll be used only for business purposes you will want to upload a video to it.. how this is done changes over time, Google seems to always be updating their platforms so I would suggest you just figure it out by following the instructions on the YouTube site or just search for a video teaching how to upload videos to YouTube, there are a bunch of them out there.


Phase Four:

-Now that you have your video which is named something appropriate and you also have your video title which should also be a long tail keyword you’ll want to write a description for your video which is around 250 to 300 words in length. This is where you will include those 5 long-tail keywords you selected and you’ll want to include within this description a number of LSI words. If you don’t know what LSI is or how it’s used here is a page teaching you all about it.


In short, and in plain English… LSI is basically the words that relate to, and are supporting of your keywords. They’re used by search engines to help judge what the context of your articles and basically anything written down is about. So if you are writing about weight loss then using LSI words relating to weight loss will be a huge help for ranking higher.

Here is a cool site that’ll help out with finding specific LSI words that you can incorporate into your video descriptions: http://www.nichelaboratory.com

Phase Five:

-Ranking your videos is partially luck and partially work. Though there is no guarantee you’ll be at the top of the rankings with everything you do, if you keep at it and keep producing decent videos for various products in different niches (or even in related niches) you’ll find that by hitting many keywords over the span of all your videos you’ll begin to see results.

On top of just keeping with it you may also want to help boost your results by boosting exposure. Now, some people consider this next tactic ‘gray hat’ and I suppose they are right but it works and you’re not really doing anything bad, just keep in mind that you don’t want to abuse this technique because spamming it could wind up alerting YouTube with a red-flag and they’ll shut you down. Then you’ll have to make a new account and start all over again.

You can do things to boost your video views and exposure by buying ‘social shares’.
What this basically means is paying someone else to share your video around the Internet gaining exposure to it which will in turn help boost its ranking in the YouTube search engine. This is one way you can do it:

Head over to fiverr.com and look for gigs that offer services like share your link, boost your youtube rankings, etc. Here is a link to fiverr.com with a few examples: https://goo.gl/Rc1wMO

That’s it!

There really is not very much you need to do in order to use YouTube to your advantage for affiliate marketing. The most important part is in choosing a good product and selecting your keywords… also writing that description so it both sounds natural and hits those LSI words is a big help.


thanks for posting this, it's really detailed! I'm curious about something though.
You mentioned that we should use a different browser or incognito mode to log in to youtube, is this so that if they shut that account down it will keep our other accounts safe? What if we just use the same browser but different tabs?


You'll want to stick with using either a completely separate browser or opening a "private" or "incognito" tab or window so that way when you log into your YouTube account which is dedicated to business you won't have things like browser history or cookies saved between your sessions. This will prevent YouTube and Google from mixing your accounts together and detecting that they're even linked... the last thing you want is all your accounts linked up into one profile so that when one goes poof, they all do. For the sake of total transparency here, though a lot of people do get away with using YouTube for affiliate marketing purposes the chances are fair that eventually your account will get yanked if it's used for this purpose. It could take months, it could take years, but sooner or later it's fair to say it will happen and you want to keep it isolated so that when it does you don't lose anything else.

It's not necessarily that you're doing anything "wrong" or unethical but more so that YouTube just doesn't want it's network being clogged with such things and frankly I can't say I blame them... but that doesn't mean we can't still do it responsibly ;)


this is very detailed but do people really earn thousands a month using Youtube marketing?

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