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Digital Report 2021: Ecommerce and Advertising Trends



Recently, TNW published a report on digital trends in a collaboration with giants of marketing industry such as HubSpot, Semrush, Statistica etc. Report had many interesting factors that are related to affiliate marketers like you and me so I thought to share some of the highlights from that report with you.

First important thing that is directly related to us is, more people aging over 50+ are consuming Facebook Ads, which means we the affiliate marketers should consider products and offers for people aging over 50 more seriously, because previously I have observed that many people used to target young and middle-aged men only.

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This is not only happening on Facebook but also on SnapChat. More aged people on SnapChat are consuming Ads (or have started using SnapChat), which opens a door to market products and offers for elderly people more actively.

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As we know Corona has affected businesses worldwide, research stats reflect that there are certain industries that are seeing growth in terms of purchasing products, it simply means these industries are thriving even in Corona and we the affiliate marketers should consider promoting offers/products from these particular industries.

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Having said that, I am hopeful that you would find these stats helpful in choosing your next offer to promote. Good luck!

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