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CPV Keyword Report



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Attn: Joey & Other Long-Term Users of CPV

Using the data in CPV, what is your rule of thumb for when to delete (or pause) a keyword in Microsoft Ads?

1. Number of impressions with no clicks.
2. Number of clicks with no conversions.
3. Cost threshold?
4. CTR below what after how many clicks?


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Attn: Joey & Other Long-Term Users of CPV

Using the data in CPV, what is your rule of thumb for when to delete (or pause) a keyword in Microsoft Ads?

1. Number of impressions with no clicks.
2. Number of clicks with no conversions.
3. Cost threshold?
4. CTR below what after how many clicks?

I don't have a standard formula since every campaign is different and there are too many variables to have a set formula IOM. However here are things I consider:

There are various factors to consider when deciding to pause or delete a keyword in Microsoft Ads. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Number of Impressions with No Clicks: If a keyword has a lot of impressions but no clicks, it might mean the keyword is not relevant or the ad isn't appealing. If you are using automated bidding the system will probably stop delivering this for you soon. Generally, if a keyword has over 1000-2000 impressions and no clicks, its probably worth pausing or optimizing in another way.
  2. Number of Clicks with No Conversions: If a keyword has a lot of clicks but no conversions, this might indicate that the keyword is relevant and the ad is engaging, but something is stopping the user from converting. You need to figure out that drop off point....maybe the offer? If an offer has 100 clicks with no conversions its time to consider if you need a new offer or just pause KW and try another angle. Look at your landing page and offer to ensure they match user intent.\
  3. Cost Threshold: If the cost of a keyword is more than the value (no conversions or very low conversion rate), it might be worth pausing. This is highly dependent on your offer, the niche, and the value of a conversion for you. You should calculate your maximum acceptable cost per acquisition (CPA) and consider pausing keywords that go over this.
  4. CTR Below What After How Many Clicks: Not sure I get you here, but a low LP CTR suggests that the keyword and ad combo isn't very relevant to your landing page or that the ad isn't engaging enough. LP CTR can vary depending on industry so it is hard to just say a good number here.
Keep in mind, these are general guidelines - you are doing everything right by testing and optimizing based on the data from your specific campaigns.

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