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Bing Ads: Microsoft Changes UI for and Introduced New Options



Microsoft seems to be taking Bing little more serious than over. A few days ago they introduced Bing URL inspection Tool for SEO and now they have revamped their Bing Ads platform. Earlier it used to look very old, as if some 90s website and graphs. Now they have finally gave a refreshing look, streamlined important elements related to an advertising campaign such as:

1) placement of ad groups
2) better graphs and reports
3) ability to download reports in multiple extensions
4) ability to pause and run multiple campaigns from the main dashboard
5) quick sidebar to edit keywords, campaigns and other settings of all campaigns

So if you have ignored Bing Ads previously for having very old-fashioned user interface, now is the time to give it your best shot as Bing has a great market and relatively less competition in their ads inventory as compared to Google.


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