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Advice on my niche site



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Hi I was hoping I could get some advice on the first niche site that I have set up. It is in the dog niche and I have written a detailed review on a product with affiliate links throughout and for the last week I have been running a small amount of bing and google paid traffic at about £5 - £10 a day just to see the response. I have had 23 clicks on the product links from 44 page views but as of yet I have made no conversions. I am thinking that there might be a fundamental reason why people are not converting which as a beginner I can't see.

Would it be okay for me to post a link to the review so that someone more advanced can take a quick look at the layout of the review/site and give me any changes that I could make right off the bat (I am not expecting someone to read through the whole review as it is over 2000 words)? I am not sure if this would be against the rules so thought it would be safer to ask first before posting the link.

I am planning on starting my next blog post but, before I start, I thought it would be wise to get some advice that I can implement in future posts.

Many thanks.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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Yes feel free to share the ad and page perhaps we can spot something...


Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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Great domain name and great niche site! Checked out the site looks great I had a few little things I would change but I think what's happening here is you just have to test more and get more clicks to the offer. I would check also if they have an affiliate resources page or someone who you can connect with to maybe also test the direct to checkout link right from your review page.

You have over 2000 words then the offer page has over 2000 words as well so its a lot of information before someone buys a $47 product. Just something to test cause maybe on this product 4000 words may be needed???

Also the offer owner may know the best angles for you to really nail down on your presell pages.

As for your ad campaign you will likely need to test many adgroups and KWs to find which ones work, but as a dog owner myself things like "how to stop my dog from barking", stop my dog from growling, stop puppy peeing on floor, all those pain points that come with being a dog owner.

So I guess you need to find the angle that works best. I know for myself in order to buy a digital training product on dog training I would want to know exactly how long its gonna take me to get my dog trained and what makes her training unique.

For the presell itself I would have more bold text through the copy for the "skimmers". Most people will skim this long of a review. So each paragraph or every second paragraph should have a main point bolded so they bascally read just the bold sometimes....


I would test different calls to action depending on your offer page. For example - you say "Click Here to Get...at the best price" As a reader I might be expecting a direct to checkout...on the other hand you could test things like "Click Here to Learn More".

Lastly since your site is catered to one niche like this it makes it easy for you to try different styles of pages all which could help your SEO.

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