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A few Native Ad Spy Tools I have used



Here are some of the native ad spy tools I have used and some details about them, each one has their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Advault.io - Has thousands of ads and all the popular native ad networks. Offers a $1 3 day trial, then after the 3 days it re-bills you at either $179 or $249 depending on the package you choose.
  • Adspider.io - Honestly I think it's just a clone of Advault. It has the same offer 3 day trial, but cheaper monthly price for the first package after re-bill. It is either $150 or $350.
  • Adbeat.com - One of the premiere Native Ad spy tools. The basic package starts at $249 but includes all countries you can spy on but does not include mobile ads. The 2nd package starts at $399 and includes all countries, both desktop & mobile.
  • Nativeadbuzz.com - My personal favorite. It has the cheapest price per month. Includes a 7 day trial then re-bill depending on the package you choose. They have the $47 per month package which only includes desktop and 2 native ad networks, were the 2nd package is only $97 includes desktop and mobile as well as all the data that they have. They also give you plenty of data like publisher ids so you can create your own whitelist to promote your offer rather then spending a bunch of money on bot traffic. This is the best bang for your buck.
  • native.adplexity.com/buy - Adplexity is a great native ad spy tool. There is only one package of $249 per month, but this includes as many countries as they have, all their archived data, mobile and desktop ads as well as publisher ID's and much more!

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