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Would it be inappropriate to overlap new broadcasts with the 30 day auto-responder sequence?



Hello. In Lesson 03 – Auto Responders & Very Important Stuff, it’s suggested that we set up at least a 30 day auto-responder sequence (please search "Your Auto Responder Sequence" in the article to see it).

What if I want to make new broadcasts to promote new offers, which aren't mentioned in the 30 day auto-responder sequence? For example, would it be information overload for my recent subscribers, who haven't finished receiving my 30 day auto-responder sequence, to receive my new broadcasts of new offers?


Hi good question - there are a few different strategies and you should definitely test them. For example it may not be information overload if you do this, or you could segment your list and try it with half and see what happens, or you also automate it so all of your subscribers who complete the 30 day sequence are then put into a new list called "Broadcast List" then you only send broadcasts to that list of people who went through your original sequence. All of these things need to be tested cause each niche is different. Some niches are completely hungry for new information every day - for example "stock picks" niche are constantly looking for ways to cash in.


powerpub. Thank you very much! Segmenting surely is a good method.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all other members who have kindly answered to my other questions. Because a forum rule disallows typing a reply just for saying "Thank you", when I see you give really helpful replies to my questions and I have no additional questions to ask, what I can only do is "Like" your replies.

Jason Streby

I would like to toss a quick idea into the arena on this.. the general teaching of setting up a 30 day autoresponder sequence is used in a bunch of training (mainly because it's friendly to newer marketers and it allows for some "set & forget" type marketing) but it's good to take it with a grain of salt and only use it as a guideline.

Every list is going to be somewhat different from the next, it does take a bit of testing to get a feel for the list, but once you do you will start to narrow in on what works best. If you want to only set up a sequence that's maybe a week long and then rely on broadcasts then that is totally cool too. It really comes down to your own style and how you develop it.

Just keep in mind that there are lists which you'll want to keep around and nurture very carefully to develop that solid relationship with, and then there are those types of lists which we may call "turn & burn" which is best suit for lists that you know is filled with subscribers which won't really keep opening your emails past a certain period of time for whatever reason. These types of list you want to hit them fast and hard, but not in a spammy way... it's not worth losing your autoresponder account over. These types of lists also tend to have a lot of new daily subscribers so if you're not meeting that criteria then it's not worth even considering because the "turn and burn" method of marketing will get you a lot of unsubscribers very quickly, as well as a fair bit of complaints, even if you're not necessarily doing anything unethical... it's just the nature of things. So long as you stay under the threshold which is indicated in each autoresponder.... they all have a "complaint counter" then you'll be just fine. (stay out of the red, basically) which will vary based on the size of your list but typically you want to stay under 0.02% complaints.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Jason this is VERY TRUE - you would know cause you have been doing an excellent job at monetizing lists - I See it FIRST Hand :).....

Jason Streby

Thank you Joey, I really appreciate that encouragement.

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