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email campaigns: mobile devices vs. desktop



how readers interact with email campaigns on mobile devices vs. the desktop according to reports

- subscribers tend to open emails more on their mobile devices

when you send an email campaign it is likely that your subscribers are opening/reading it on an iPhone, tablet or similar device
it's only smart to optimize your email campaigns for mobile



very helpful info brenda
totally agree that click through rates on email campaigns has shifted towards mobile devices for the past 4 years and growing since

your reports show that emails are more consumed on mobile devices or similar
and as you wrote "it's only smart to optimize your email campaigns for mobile "

i'd like to share some design and layout tips when designing for mobile
  • Single-column layouts (no wider than 500 to 600 pixels)
  • as per Apple guidelines: Links and buttons should have 44 × 44 pixels min. target area
  • text should be 13 pixels minimum font size for iPhones
  • keep your message concise and straightforward, putting all important design elements in the upper part of the email.
  • know when and when not to use social sharing buttons since they are not always easy to use by the recipient on mobile devices.


very helpful info brenda
totally agree that click through rates on email campaigns has shifted towards mobile devices for the past 4 years and growing since

your reports show that emails are more consumed on mobile devices or similar
and as you wrote "it's only smart to optimize your email campaigns for mobile "

i'd like to share some design and layout tips when designing for mobile
  • Single-column layouts (no wider than 500 to 600 pixels)
  • as per Apple guidelines: Links and buttons should have 44 × 44 pixels min. target area
  • text should be 13 pixels minimum font size for iPhones
  • keep your message concise and straightforward, putting all important design elements in the upper part of the email.
  • know when and when not to use social sharing buttons since they are not always easy to use by the recipient on mobile devices.

coding also plays a vital part for a mobile-friendly design


very helpful info brenda
totally agree that click through rates on email campaigns has shifted towards mobile devices for the past 4 years and growing since

your reports show that emails are more consumed on mobile devices or similar
and as you wrote "it's only smart to optimize your email campaigns for mobile "

i'd like to share some design and layout tips when designing for mobile
  • Single-column layouts (no wider than 500 to 600 pixels)
  • as per Apple guidelines: Links and buttons should have 44 × 44 pixels min. target area
  • text should be 13 pixels minimum font size for iPhones
  • keep your message concise and straightforward, putting all important design elements in the upper part of the email.
  • know when and when not to use social sharing buttons since they are not always easy to use by the recipient on mobile devices.

found more info that suggests your accounts were true

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