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30 Tips for Writing E-mails That Get Clicks!



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When I used to mail and anyone who has well we have all been there, we carefully create an e-mail after a huge thought process thinking it is for sure going to be successful but only to find out after we have sent it out, that it was a big waste of time!

Doesn't really feel like it's a big challenge to send out an e-mail that someone will open and actually click on right? WRONG! Many times over and over again we send out e-mails that takes hours to craft and only to be sitting there twiddling our thumbs with no idea of what went wrong and most of all NO RESULTS!

It really doesn't have to be that difficult after sending out thousands of e-mails personally I have hand crafted this document with the best tips and solutions that have personally made me thousands of dollars in various niches!


Think of which email you look forward to the most in your day. Maybe an e-mail from a club your involved in or maybe even a friend. Do they write a huge massive e-mail like a marketing corporation would? The answer is NO of course NOT!

If you want people to reply to your e-mails or be interested in them you have to start behaving more like a friend then a company. Follow these guidelines so that your customers will actually anticipate and engage in the e-mails you are sending them.
  1. Stop talking about your subscribers or "lists". Write as if you are actually writing just to one person, use dynamic variables like Name, for example hey mike, thought you would be interested in this. Were mike is the actually name variable you will use.
  2. Stop wasting time! Only e-mail when you actually have something very valuable or interesting.
  3. Be useful, just don't e-mail when you need something from your customers.
  4. Use an actual name in the from field address. This makes the e-mail more personal.
  5. Be trustworthy, let people know to expect be honest and upfront in your e-mails, people don't like being tricked.
  6. Don't be creepy, feel free to use people's names but don't use them 1000 times to the point were people are getting creeped out and paranoid that they are being spied on!
  7. Offer people a reward for clicking on a link or reading an e-mail.

Think of your personal e-mail it is probably full of different things on a daily basis. How do you write amazing subject lines to get noticed? Think of your subject line as a Headline, it needs to grab their attention.
  1. Promise something awesome. If you promise something that to people that will make them happy, more informed it will give them an itch to want to open your e-mail and read it.
  2. Use powerful words. Emotional words attract people, make your e-mail stand out in that crowed inbox.
  3. Use digits, because numbers like 7 or 69 stop wondering eyes and grab attention.
  4. Make them curious. Don't be afraid to use over complicated words that people don't understand to grab their attention.
  5. Quit trying to be clever. Simple subject lines are the way to go.
  6. Experiment, try different subject lines, test test test
  7. Subscribe to different e-mail lists to see what other masters are doing and tweak what there doing to make it work for you.

Now you have gotten people to open up those e-mails, now it's time to get the users engaged and interested in the rest of it. Here are some tips to keep them going!
  1. Write quickly, because that's how your enthusiasm and personality come through.
  2. Keep your e-mails short and precise. There is no sense doing a big long story, the shorter the better if you want to keep people interested.
  3. Ask questions to get your customers thinking and more engaged. Leave them with opened ended questions so it gets them thinking.
  4. Don't follow a blueprint, typically scripted e-mails bore users.
  5. Don't place a signature in your e-mail, use a personalized greeting at the end. .
  6. Add a personal touch, make the e-mail personal.
  7. Use the word You, so it's like you are talking about them.
  8. Stop being boring, write exciting and energized e-mails.
  9. Don't be cold blooded, care about your users.


Your not writing e-mails for a past time or for the benefit of your own health, your writing e-mails to make money, that's the bottom line. As an affiliate marketing expert you have to make money to stay in business.

So what's the best ways to sell? Here you go!
  1. Don't sell anytime before your customers are ready. Gain trust, become a friend then sell!
  2. Don't sell the product itself, sell it and explain how it benefits your customer.
  3. Show your users what they will be missing if they don't buy or signup for this product. Provide them with a few things they will be missing out on.
  4. Don't follow a blueprint, again, this will sound to structured and boring to the user go with the flow I say.
  5. Present a clear deadline. Give them a date and time of when this offer will end.
  6. Tell interesting stories that actually lead to trying to make your sale. It could be that you used the product and tell them how you benefited from it.
  7. Insert multiple links to the same product or website.
  8. Be clear and precise, tell your users what they need to do and why it is in their best interest to buy the product.
  9. Use PS, for example PS: This will end today at 12 oclock, this is your last chance before it's gone!


These days everyone's e-mails are full of useless and utter junk. Nobody really wants to get anymore e-mails then they already have. You should count your lucky stars that you have people opted into your e-mail list and treat that with dignity and respect. Respect your customers, be honest and gain their trust.

Never take anyone's attention for granted, because everyone's time is just as valuable as yours.

Every week you need to go out and prove your value to your customers. You need to know your readers so well that you sympathize with their needs and struggles. Even ask questions even help them for FREE. YES FREE!

Write as if you are emailing your best friend, except you have 10,000 best friends! This is how people will get to trust you. When you earn all these things you will start making sales and grow your business beyond your wildest dreams.


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