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You.com - New Opportunities to Cash in ARE COMING



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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We are about to experience some major opportunities as affiliates over the coming months....IMO.

I feel like we are going to see a ton of new traffic channels and opportunities to get in early.

For example, You.com - is a search engine that is looking to "compete" with Microsoft and Google.

This is just one example of how things are going to excel in the search space.

Ever since I began back in 2002 it seemed that the first marketers who hit new traffic sources made a ton of money because the rules were not yet fully developed, and the competition was still beating each other up on the mainstream traffic sources at the time.

Look at tiktok right now - people are still crushing it...but the rules have changed so much in 2 years.

I was looking at https://you.com/ and got to thinking there are going to be some major players coming out with some cool search engines and eventually this will open up some opportunities to get in early on cheaper traffic.

I think as affiliates we will always need to keep our ear to the ground for the next opportunity. I can;t wait to see how ads will be delivered on these "CHAT" type of tools.

Anyway, that's my thought for the day. Would love to hear your thoughts.


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I know Whatsapp tried ads in conversations people were having with each other, prior to being bought by Facebook. I don't think those did well based on the ad revenue they shared.

Bing is going to do something similar which will be a better indication of how ads will look in this new search world until Google releases theirs:


I think if you go organic or ads for traffic, understanding your audience and how people will chat with these AI integrations will be key to creating content that is recommended or served as an ad within the conversational AI.

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