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Research Says 75% Users Won't be Using Your Business Hashtags



Motivating consumers to post about your brand or product is a very inexpensive way to reach more audience in an organic way. However, a recent research has some interesting findings on it. Visual Objects, a guide for finding creative agencies, conducted a consumer survey on this topic.

The study suggests that people are very unlikely to follow the trend of branded hashtags as such challenges have limited consumer appeal. Most people don't feel interested in participating in such hashtags. Visual Objects' this study indicates that branded hashtags are better suitable for engagement among people who are brand conscious.

Some of the key findings of the study are:
  1. 26% of people said they were likely to offer an opinion through hashtags
  2. 73% said they're unlikely to create branded videos
  3. 75% said they are unlikely to use branded hashtags in their content
Keeping these research in minds, it is safe to say that the marketers should now spend their efforts in other tactics for organic marketing.

75 percent market.jpg - hashtag study

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