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Instagram's new feature opens up great opportunities for marketers



Instagram has begun testing something that could change the way we all use influencers in the future. The platform is testing giving the ‘swipe up’ feature to everyone.

If you didn’t know, only accounts with over 10K followers were able to link to outside websites in stories. But that could all change. It’ll be a little different from what we are used to, instead users will be able to add a link sticker that will allow users to visit external websites.

This could mean you are no longer restricted to using links in bio when dealing with micro-influencers under the 10k follower mark. But as well as this being a good thing, it could open up the flood gates to a LOT of spam in our stories. For a lot of e-commerce stores and smaller influencers, this could be great news!

Do you think you’ll use it?


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