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Impressions vs. Engagement - The Great Marketing Debate



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A recent marketing tweet by Toby Howell went viral and generated debate. He broke the ice saying impressions matter more than the engagement as what is meant to be delivered has been delivered and the first impression has been made which is often the main point.

His point is:

If you post great content, then you want that content in front of as many eyes as possible. I don’t care if they don’t engage with it. Because we just made our first touchpoint with a potential follower who is now more likely to follow the next time they come across us

This generated a debate in responses and many came up with their opinions. Many of the opinion-makers agreed while others argued it largely depends upon the type of message and objective. If the purpose is just to be seen, more impressions are better.

You should check the tweet for more interesting thoughts.

impressions.png - impressions vs engagement

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