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How to Increase your Traffic on Revcontent & Trick The Algo



Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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Well there's not much trickery here but I have ran on Revcontent for a while now and after a few weeks all the campaigns seem to slow down.

There may be many reasons why but most likely the algorithm is constantly trying to find the ads with Highest CTR so after everyone has seen my ads they CTR drops....Which in turn causes Revcontent to start showing other peoples ads. This is likely a common thing among all Native Ad networks.

What I have done recently to try and keep my ads at high volume is instead of just increasing the bids (which surprisingly doesn't make much difference) is I have constantly been adding new ads into the mix but just flopping the images or changing it very slightly. They have some type of photo detection to determine duplicates, as well as headlines. So by adding new ads and altering them a bit it seems to be working to keep my ads being shown,

Another thing I have been doing to find high CTR ads is creating a clone campaign with multiple different ad angles all of which work for the same landing page. Once I find the highest CTR ad in that bunch I create a complete campaign around that one angle, with similar variations of the same ad.

Just thought I would share that since it appears to be working...

If you have any other tips feel free to share.

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