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I was first introduced to affiliate marketing about 2 years ago. I launched my first campaign on native ads, only to find a third of my clicks never getting to my landing page and not getting any conversions. I didn't know much about tracking or optimization back then, but I also didn't know you needed a starting budget of around $5000 to properly test and optimize a native ads campaign(at least from what I've heard).

I later tried some Bing search ads for digestive supplements, but I think my landing page sucked and the competition was high. Although the product was great, the offer page wasn't. The ads were running when I thought they weren't because I put the budget spend graph for a more limited time frame in the past and didn't know that graph didn't reset when you refreshed the page. I didn't add negative keywords for irrelevant search terms. So far, I haven't managed to make a dollar in revenue.

I've learned from my failed attempts. I've watched countless hours of videos about affiliate marketing and what it takes to succeed as well as strategies, methods, and trends.

One thing I didn't want to do was promote bad products. When I was looking through the Clickbank marketplace, it was sad to see how many low quality products were on there with a high gravity score. I found Joey's channel and noticed he had had spent millions on google ads, and showed it was possible to do without promoting worthless things for a quick buck. I didn't know there were affiliate ecommerce offers, for example.

I want to make stable profits without trading time for money, and without scamming people.

Job security is a myth. It's something I've always known and everything that happened in the world the past 2 years confirmed it. Trading time for money, working for someone else, having no real opportunities to scale your income, and working with people you wouldn't otherwise want to be in contact with makes you live for the weekend. Working all year for that week of vacation, only to go back to the rat race is a depressing thought. Waiting 40+ years to climb up the corporate ladder before allowing yourself to be happy and retire, only to find your job and pension gone a year before retirement because a tweet you made 10 years ago was deemed insensitive is probably something that can happen to anyone in this day and age.

People are working more, retiring later, and getting paid about the same while prices on just about everything keeps going up. Things don't look like they'll end well for most people.

I don't want to be like most people.

Whatever it takes. My first goal is to make $1 in revenue online. Then my second goal would be $1 in profit. My third goal is $100 in profit per day by the end of this year.

Ideally I want to achieve these goals as fast as I possibly can so I can exceed it. I understand free traffic/SEO is the way to go for stability and actually owning something, but the fastest way to make the most profit is paid traffic.

Mastering 1 traffic source is essential. I would like to start by mastering Bing ads because there's a low chance of getting banned, and I'm pretty familiar with it, but I'm willing to learn new traffic sources if it's not the best place to start. I don't know if I should do CPA or CPS, it depends where I can find good quality offers. I have $1000 to spend on ads. This might be too soon to ask because I didn't go through the training yet, but with that budget how should I be looking to spend it?

BTW I'm surprised by how underrated this forum is. Getting the attention and advice of successful affiliate marketers without much competition from other people? This is a goldmine.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hey there welcome - very great points!

Yes $1000 is plenty to start with on Bing and I agree its a good place to start.

There is a case study on Bing and ecom which you might find interesting. (in the case studies section)

I am currently running Bing ads to Maxbounty offers and it doesn't take a lot of money to test to know of its gonna work or not.
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Hey there welcome - very great points!

Yes $1000 is plenty to start with on Bing and I agree its a good place to start.

There is a case study on Bing and ecom which you might find interesting. (in the case studies section)

I am currently running Bing ads to Maxbounty offers and it doesn't take a lot of money to test to know of its gonna work or not.
Thanks for the quick response.

I'm glad to hear it's enough, I want to make every dollar count and either learn a lot or make a profit.

For the case study, you mean the one "Can't Stop Wont Stop - Bing Ads/ Microsoft Ads Case Study - Follow Along" right? I'll definitely check it out after I complete the performance marketer lessons.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Do check and feel free to share your thoughts if you have any confusion or something I can help you with.
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Thank you for the support. I watched the full case study yesterday and was surprised to see that listicles targeting fairly broad keywords like "Black Friday Sale" are relatively cheap and can convert. Before I became a premium member, I watched the first part of the case study and learned that ecommerce offers have a low PPC. Now I'm looking through MaxBounty offers on OfferVault to see what I should prepare to promote to increase my chances of being accepted. Physical ecommerce products is probably the way I'll start.


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It seems like you are on the right track when it comes to affiliate marketing. You know a lot so far. You mentioned that there are a lot of bad products on Clickbank but trust me even though those products look spammy they convert really well because most of them just have a video with really good copywriting so the visitors don't know they're being sold to at first.

You seem like a cool guy. It definitely helps to have friends with similar goals to you in the affiliate marketing space. I am happy to help you just send me a message on skype.
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It's not that they're spammy or look bad that I don't like them, it's just because I heard those supplements are like $1.50 bottles they get from China that don't really do much for the people buying them. The product owners also use aliases on the selling page, so it makes me believe they don't really stand behind their product. It just seems really unlikely that the product is anywhere as good as they say...at least for the ones I've seen.

Yeah it definitely does help to stay in touch with people that have similar goals. I'll add you.

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