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Domain Extensions and Why .COMs are KING



I see many new affiliates trying to cut costs by buying cheap domains with random extensions. Does this really matter in the overall scale of things?

The answer is YES

I'm not going to get into all the obvious SEO advantages but you're welcome to read about them here:

What about the end user?

There are many subconscious patterns demonstrated by end users who are viewing your ads, landing pages and content. The ".com" extension is universally known as the official extension when dealing with websites. There is a trust factor that occurs when someone see's a .com website. When you are promoting a product with awesomeproduct.xyz, the user has a disconnect with what they typically see and your domain. This breaks that subconscious trust factor and causes a significant drop in your Ad CTR (If the url is present in the ad copy), Landing Page CTR and ultimately your conversion rate.

Always stick to a Top Level Domain (TLD) with a common extension:



There might be exceptions where it might be clever to use one of these extensions.. One example is if you owned an authority site named "Affiliate Space" and you used the domain "affiliate.space"

It might feel like you are saving some money when you buy some random TLD's for $2 but you will likely lose more with the user disconnect.

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