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Apple to Disrupt Email Marketing with iOS15?



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Apple has just released iOS 15 and this new version brings lots of new features for users and some headache for marketers.

Now, their Mail app will block tracking pixels.

This feature will not be enabled by default. Instead, users will have to select whether they want to "Protect Mail Activity" or "Don't Protect Mail Activity.” (You can guess what most people will go for, lol)

Besides this, there a few more options to create trouble for marketers.

  • Privacy Relay: Apple’s version of a VPN service. If a user with privacy relay enabled visits your website, Apple will hide their real IP address.
  • Hide my email. Basically, this allows users to create an unlimited number of emails. Apple will then forward any messages arriving to their real email address.

Let's see how it resonates with marketing professionals, and what measures do we get to explore in the future. For now, just keep in mind date your email open-rate is going to be down.

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