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TUTORIAL: Keyword Research for PPC Campaigns



How to Select Keywords For a PPC Campaign

This tutorial will show you how to build a solid list of Keywords for a PPC Campaign. You will also learn how to determine if a campaign is worth testing based on various factors such as keyword search volume, keyword competition and offer payout.

1)Google Keyword Planner
2)Alternative Paid Tools


Google Keyword Planner is a tool built within Google Adwords. You do need an Adwords account in order to access this tool. There are plenty of alternatives to the Keyword Planner. Some alternatives are better and some require a subscription. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will stick with the Keyword Planner Tool.

Why is Google Adwords a good place to start?
Google by far has the most search traffic. If you plan on running via Adwords, this data will be more accurate than if you are running via Bing or other search networks. Since Google is the biggest, the Keyword Planner Tool is a great baseline to start.

Go to the following URL and login with your Adwords account information.

Click on "Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category"


For this tutorial we will be using the Television Fanatic offer. This is a toolbar install offer that allows you to watch TV from your browser.

Television Fanatic link ---> http://download.televisionfanatic.com/index.jhtml

I used 'Free TV' as a starting point. Click the 'Get Ideas' button at the bottom of the page.



At this point you have a few options. To start a fresh campaign, it is a good idea to have a minimum of 500 keywords. The more keywords you test, the more money it will cost. If you have a budget of $100.00 and 500 keywords you will have more data per keyword than if you have 2500 keywords and the same budget.

Keyword Planner allows you to search by 'Ad Group Ideas' and 'Keyword Ideas'.


Ad Group Ideas:
This option allows you to find groups of Keyword that are similar or relevant to the same niche and audience. This option has it's advantages if you are working on a broad niche. It is also very helpful if you don't have a ton of ideas or any specific angle for your campaign. Since the Adgroups encompass a greater reach on a broad niche, you might find that some keywords are totally irrelevant to your campaign.


Keyword Ideas:
This option allows you to look at individual keywords and a more detailed breakdown of the search volume. Ad Groups give you a total search volume for the group rather than the individual keyword. If you have a specific spin or angle for your campaign, you might want to use this option to refine your keyword list.


Since 'Free TV' is a pretty broad niche, we can start with some Adgroups. Let's break down how to decide which groups to use.

Avg. Monthly Searches - You want to have a fairly high amount of monthly searches for a broad start. This isn't a golden rule. There are situations when the Avg. Month Searches are lower and the Adgroup is still worth testing. We will get into that later on.

Competition - Obviously 'Low' competition is ideal but Medium and High competition is sometimes desirable. This choice is determined by two other factors: The payout on your offer. The cost-per-click or CPC. If you have an offer paying you $60.00 per conversion and the CPC is $0.15, you might still want to run a test even if the competition is high.

Suggested Bid - This number shows you what it will cost(on avg) to appear on Page 1 for that keyword. Again, this is determined by your payout on your offer. You don't want to bid $1.50 CPC with an offer that pays you $4.50. Also take into account of Avg. monthly searches. If something have a few million searches and Suggested Bid is high, you can still bid low on the keyword and get SOME traffic to start since the Search Volume is high. It's always a good idea to start off bidding lower when you start your testing. Once you see how well your landing page and offer converts, it might be a good idea to increase your bid to improve placement and to get more traffic on that keyword.

Click the 'Add to Plan' button next to the Adgroups to your list.


Let's try to see if we can find some individual Keywords that might be worth testing. I decided to search "Watch Walking Dead Free". As you can see below, 'AMC Walking Dead' appears to be a viable option. With 135,000 monthly searches, Low competition and $0.46 suggested bid, it's safe to say this keyword is worth testing. With individual keywords you can pick up different sub niche keywords to add to your broad Adgroups from the previous step.


Let's thing outside the box for the next example. Let's ask some questions.

What are the two biggest sources for TV Online?
-Streaming Sites
-Torrent Sites via download

Let's analyze the Stream Sites option. What are some of the biggest stream sites online?


For those who do not know, ProjectFreeTV is an illegal streaming site. It has been shutdown and reappeared in many forms. There are also many fake site that emulate ProjectFreeTV for advertising purposes. Let's take a peek at the search volume for ProjectFreeTV.


With over 4 million monthly searches and low competition, this is a prime keyword to test. Keep in mind that the users searching for this keyword are looking for FREE TV. This works out since Television Fanatic is a FREE toolbar. This likely wouldn't convert very well for any offer that requires the users to pay for the service.

Take some time to research Adgroups and Keyword until you have a decent sized list to begin testing. Remember, nothing is set in stone. If you are running on other search networks the results will likely differ from what you see in the Keyword Planner. Sometimes this is for the good as you might run into cheaper clicks. Sometimes this can be bad where Google has much more search volume than other networks.

Exporting your list. On the bottom right of the page there is a 'Copy to Clipboard' button.


Copy your list and paste to notepad.


Alternative Paid Tools

Like I mentioned above, there are many alternative paid tools for keyword research. Let's take a look at my favorite.

Go to spyfu.com and register for the service. It allows you to search for competitors and give you a detailed breakdown of their ad budget, keywords and text ads. This is extremely powerful compared to Keyword Planner. Let's search for our offers domain, televisionfanatic.com


They have 15k keywords and get 76k clicks and spend about 55k per month. Let's click on 'Paid Keywords'. This gives us a detailed breakdown of their keywords including CPC, Clicks and Budget.


Now let's click the 'Ad History' tab at the top.


This give us a complete breakdown of each keyword and what Ad Text is being used with each. We also get a chronological breakdown of which ad text has been used over the life time of the campaign.



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This is a great opportunity for any age group and we should take venture in it

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