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Tracking keywords



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Hi Joey,

Before I ask the question I will try and re-jog your memory so that you know where I'm coming from. Near the end of last week I asked for some help with my review of a dog product on my new niche site and you gave me some tips to try. I implemented the tips and over the weekend got a couple of conversions, but spent about double what I made back. I wouldn't consider this negative in any way as I haven't even begun to optimise the ads and have barely started optimising the pages.

My questions is, how do I track which keywords are converting (or showing positive signs) and which are not? I understand that I can't actually track conversions but is there a similar way to set up tracking such as setting up the links on the page as 'conversions'?

As well as targeting people looking for a review on the product, I have keywords that are targeting things such as 'how to stop my dog from barking' and 'how to stop my dog from jumping'. Obviously these people are unaware of the product and are just trying to stop their dog from barking or jumping. How do I know if the unaware people are finding the review (more of a pre-sell) useful and therefore checking out the product, or if they are bouncing off of the page quickly because they don't feel it's the relevant information for them? and how do I know if the people looking to stop barking are converting better than people that are trying to stop jumping so that I can adjust my targeting and budget accordingly?

Hopefully that makes sense.

Many thanks.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hi there are 3rd party tracking software programs designed specifically for this. Bemob is a free one that would likely be best for this. You can use our referral link if you like :) https://powerhouseaffiliate.com/bemob if you plan to join

So to set this up you can check out our tutorial for Bing and bemob on https://powerhouseaffiliate.com/action-plan

So basically there will be an additional step for you if you want to do this for a website that also gets direct traffic (not just from bing ads). https://help.bemob.com/docs/landing-page-pixel-lp-pixel


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Hi Joey,

Thank you for that. I set everything up yesterday but it seems that my tracking is not working properly, as yesterday I had 33 hops but the tracker has only registered 2 clicks. So far today it is closer as I have had 5 hops and it is says that I have had 4 clicks.

The main problem though is that I have had a conversion today but it hasn't been tracked which is annoying, I would have thought as I had set up the instant notification URL between bemob and clickbank that it would automatically track it even if it had not registered a click on bemob.

I have gone through all of the steps again today to double checked that I haven't messed anything up and everything seems to be set up correctly. Do you have any tips on common things that may be wrong? Or should I give it another day and see what the outcome is?

Many thanks


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Yeah thats annoying for sure. Clickbank is always a bit tough I find for tracking back to trackers. Are you sending any info in the TID to clickbank from bemob? Inside clickbank does it show what that tid is? You might be able to match it to whats in Bemob. Hopefully the next conversion tracks.


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Is it usual that I have nearly double the amount of hops registered on clickbank than clicks registered through bemob? I had 20 hops but bemob is showing 11 clicks, where are the remaining 9 (and the data that goes with them)?

There are 7 TID's showing for yesterday in clickbank but they are just long codes that I haven't set myself so I'm not sure where they're from.


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Those TIDs are the clickids sent from Bemob I assume since you set up the integration. If there is a conversion in clickbank that has a click id you can copy the click id and manually add it to Bemob as a conversion to see where the conversion happened.


As for the click loss there could be many reasons but I would be more concerned if there were less clicks in Clickbank than reported in Bemob. The reason there are more clicks could be because people either refresh and CB is tracking ALL visitors not just unique visitors. I would compare your paid clicks to whats coming into Bemob to make sure its all close. As for clicks out to Clickbank - if Bemob is sending click ids then the amount of clickids in CB should be close to amount of clicks out of CB. If there are bunch of clicks in CB without a clickid then those are your "additional" clicks coming from somewhere else. Tad confusing i know.


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Thank you for that it's a big help. Unfortunately the conversion doesn't have a tracking ID but it's useful to know that I can do that if needed in the future. The clicks seem to match up between bemob and bing when accounting for clicks that were from outside of my chosen countries (which I'm assuming bing doesn't count). There were 7 clicks with a tid and it says I had 11 clicks so not too far away. Thanks for the help!


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Hi again! I have a noticed something strange when going through my data for the last 5 days as two states in the US have very strange stats (image attached). One has a 96% ctr and the other has 0%. Is there something fishy/off about these stats? They are also the two states with the highest number of visits, with the next being 30 visits.

Also for Illinois 32 out of the 51 visits has the same or very similar IP address ( and, for Virginia all the IP's seem to be different. Is someone trying to use up my budget and mess with my stats? If so what can be done?

Many thanks.


  • Strange Data.png
    Strange Data.png
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Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hi again! I have a noticed something strange when going through my data for the last 5 days as two states in the US have very strange stats (image attached). One has a 96% ctr and the other has 0%. Is there something fishy/off about these stats? They are also the two states with the highest number of visits, with the next being 30 visits.

Also for Illinois 32 out of the 51 visits has the same or very similar IP address ( and, for Virginia all the IP's seem to be different. Is someone trying to use up my budget and mess with my stats? If so what can be done?

Many thanks.

This appears to be the ad reviewers or the bot. If using Bing for example you may get a bunch of clicks from the bot. I believe you can filter that out of data. You may have to contact bemob to confirm. https://blog.bemob.com/2017/12/25/bemob-bot-filters-how-to-deal-with-bot-traffic/


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Okay, thank you. Is there any chance that some of the clicks are malicious or is that unlikely? In the last week I have had 150 clicks from bots from 30 different IP's and I just want to make sure that it's not using up budget.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Okay, thank you. Is there any chance that some of the clicks are malicious or is that unlikely? In the last week I have had 150 clicks from bots from 30 different IP's and I just want to make sure that it's not using up budget.

Is this Bing? If so it is unlikely malicious but if it is they will refund your account automatically. If you really are concerned you can always reach out to their support and ask. They do respond and have a live chat. They could likely confirm if their bot has a certain ip.

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