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Quesion about Bing ads help



Hi every one,

I run Bing few days,and used landing page do skin and lose weight offers, i have run US and UK got some traffic , and i see bing these offers keywords bid(cpc $1-$1.5 and send $200 got 100-150 click) is very highi,have not any conversion leads,and very strange i tracking bing ads traffic ,all is apple and windons,no Android traffic,but i know android is more,why is this,and i think bing more is robot traffic,or Whether there is something I do not know, hope to get everyone to help



There are numerous things that can cause this....

- could be your settings not targeting people "in" your targeted location.
- your bid may only be big enough to get mobile traffic
- you are not focusing on the right keywords
- your ads may not be consistent with lander
- your lander might suck
- your lander might not be consistent with offer
- your offer might duck

ummm.....that's just to name a few.

can we see the landing page, ad and offer?


you use spytool like ispionage or spyfu? do you have competitors info? if yes, take screenshots or everything,from start to finish, than analyse ,follow advice from powerpub,share your camapign

Jason Streby

Welcome to paid traffic.

Expect to spend money when you are starting out... it happens to us all. That is why only those who stick with it wind up hitting it big. The trick is to have other things going on in the background to help fund your ad expenses so you can test things out.

Try setting up an average daily budget you can afford, track your statistics as best as possible, and don't be afraid to ask anything you think of here... over time you'll start to learn a lot and will be able to make much better decisions and that is when the profits will come.

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