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More Likely to Survive PLANE CRASH then to Purposely Click Banner Ads - LOL!



I found this extremely amusing on this blog. But basically hammers home the fact we need to get creative...cause traditional banners wont cut it...

"Sarah: Website Magazine did an article this month on this exact topic, and I found it interesting that the first banner ad ever to be published on the internet was in 1994 by AT&T and had a 44% click-through rate. What I found more amusing was that Solve Media immediately revealed thereafter that you have a higher chance of surviving a plane crash today than clicking purposefully on a static banner ad.

This means that affiliate marketers and merchants need to move away from this traditional static banner model completely and focus on new types of creatives that are brand enforcers and consumer engagers. The keyword there is engagement. No one wants to be sold to and people have almost completely tuned out of the noise of static ads.

So what kind of creative is engaging? Ones that are educational/statistical in nature, have clear purpose, speak to the buyer’s emotional needs combined with a time sensitive offer and/or gets them to where they want to be the fastest. For example, Bing has a new Hero Ad format that Land Rover, Home Depot and RadioShack are using. It allows consumers to take immediate action directly from the ad unit, such as book a test drive, call to ask questions, view other styles and colors, etc.

What’s important to note is that new ad types are coming out all the time and affiliate marketers (affiliates and merchants alike) need to be ready to test new things, measure them, assess them, tweak them and optimize them. If numbers are decreasing, what you’re doing is not working. If your numbers are increasing, you on the right track"

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