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Make $100 a Day With You Tube Videos



Sorry my english not always good but here is a method I wish to share...

Make $100/daily from Videos is for anybody who wants to make money online, without having to spend all of their time behind a laptop screen, writing articles and hustling. It’s for people who want to do the work now, and reap the rewards for months to come.

Youtube is the third most visited website in the world, and if you can harness that power, and traffic, it won't be long before you realise how easy this whole video marketing thing is. The traffic is already there, you just need to get it off Youtube, and into your affiliate links.

Selecting a Niche:

The Big Three Niches are the Health, Wealth, and Happiness niches. If you do take my advice, and venture into the big three niches, then you can be sure it's a buyers niche. Basically, you just need to be sure from the start, that it's possible to make money with your efforts.

If you spend all your time and effort going out on a limb, you may end up disappointed if you can't get any of your traffic to buy. That's why I stopped moving into obscure niches with low competition, and concentrated on the niches where there is plenty of traffic volume, and money to go around. After all, it would be foolish to put effort into a niche where you really have to persuade people to buy, when you could enter a niche where your visitors are already proven to be desperate buyers. Niche selection is super easy to do. Just pick one, and don't over think it. If you think you would feel more comfortable in one niche more than the other, go for it, just make sure there is money in it. Really can't decide? Health Wealth Or Happiness.

The niches selection has been done for you really. I you really love a certain niche, like sport or something, go into it. If you can't decide, go into the health niche. It’s made me much more money than any other niche has. Follow the money. The first thing I do, is narrow down the search. if I’m in the health niche, I head over to the clickbank marketplace, and use the sidebar to search products by category. Then, I will have a browse through the products. Just by looking at the products, you can see what niche they are in, and you can use that to get ideas for your keyword.

So by searching in the niche, I can see a product about restoring vision. It has 163.5 gravity, so there are plenty of people buying this product, and that means it must have some decent keywords to target. The product is about restoring vision, so now you need to find out some information about keywords to do with improving vision.

For finding out the specific details and information about keywords, mainly the search volume, I head over to the Google Keyword Planner, and type something related to the product in the search box. Google will automatically provide you with information about how many times a month that phrase is searched, as well as providing you with suggestions about other keywords that you can use.

I just typed a random eyesight related phrase into the keyword planner, and suddenly I have all this information which I could use to help me make a decision. A keyword with 2,400 searches per month is worth promoting in my opinion, as if you can rank for that phrase, you are guaranteed at least some traffic.

I would not use that keyword however, because it I would have a hard time ranking for that term on Google with a video. That’s because someone beat me to that keyword, and there is already someone competing with me. The final step to the keyword research process is to asses the competition, which is very simple and easy to do.

Because you are going to be making a lot of videos eventually, don’t worry too much about making mistakes with keyword research. The people who think it’s hard and only for gurus, end up forking out money on products that do exactly the same as what you can do with the Google Keyword Planner pretty much.Keep things simple but logical, and you can’t go wrong!

Selecting a product

Selecting a product is the easiest thing to do. There is no hard work to do. By now, you already know what niche you are going into, and you should have your keyword. Its as simple as searching something related to your keyword in the Clickbank Marketplace. There should be plenty of products that you can promote in your niche.That being said, there are products on Clickbank that you don’t want to waste time promoting. You will find these kinds of products in the “zero gravity” part of the marketplace. That’s the crappy part of clickbank. Sure, the gravity only tells you how many different affiliates have made a sale, not how good the actual product is. But 99% of the time, a product with zero gravity means that the vendor doesn’t care enough about his product to promote it at all, so why should you?
Promoting rubbish on Clickbank leads to high refund rates, which means less profit for you. To help you choose an appropriate product for your video, I have put together a list of things to look out for in a product that you’re considering promoting.

A Sales page should be sleek, with no distractions from the selling. Any opportunity for a visitor to do anything other than buy, could mean a lost sale for you. Other than the buy now button, and the links to required legal pages, there should be nothing on a sales page that can lead them to something else. Always avoid sales pages with emai capture forms in them. It’s blatant thievery by the vendor in most cases, all they are doing is using traffic generated by you to build their list, and get the sale themselves. Almost all people will go for the free option rather than buy, so you can guarantee that you are losing sales if
there is an email optin form.

If possible, I like to always choose a product that has a video sales letter, because I know that they convert better than long from copy in most niches. If there are no products with a good video sales letter, don’t promote it. It isn’t a deal breaker for me, I just prefer it. You will be able to tell just by looking which sales pages have good sales letters. No video sales letter is better than a bad video sales letter. A good video will be engaging, and should captivate you, even if you are not interested in the product. Put yourself in the shoes of your traffic.

Producing Your Video

Personally, this is my favourite part of the process.Making a video that is designed to pre sell and convert is more fun that you might think. There’s two ways of doing this. The cheap way, and the expensive way. Each way has their merits, and I’m going to teach you both ways.The first step is the same no matter which way you decide to make your video though. Writing the script is the first step in the journey.

Writing Your Script

The most important part of this section, is the script writing process. You need to grab the audience's attention, get them on your side, pre-sell them the product, and then they need click through to your offer. A pretty daunting task for someone who has not done it before, but really not that hard. I pretty much write the script how I would a sales letter, using a trick I learned as a door to door salesman.
It's all about taking them on a journey of emotions, which is why people liked to refer the the script anecdotally as the “emotional rollercoaster”. Instead of hard selling them a product, it’s better if you tell a story in some way. People love stories, and the whole idea is to get the audience thinking. If you can get the audience to be thinking “ Well if it worked for him, it could work for me”. That’s going to get them intrigued, and it’s going to get them to click through to your offer. Then, you can let the professional sales copy of the product do the hard selling.

Starting the Actual Video

This is the start of any actual editing process, and it is here where you need to decide which route you want to go down when making the videos. There are two ways I make the videos.
1. Cheaper But Lesser Quality
2. Expensive But Higher Quality

Each has their own merits, and I still personally use a combination of the two. The cheap option is free, and the expensive option will cost you roughly $15 - $20 per video. Not expensive when put like that, but when you consider that you can't just have one video, and you also have to spend further money on SEO, just 4 videos is going to set you back ~$200. The cheaper, DIY option, still makes money, but they convert at a much lower rate. They take longer to do, because you aren’t outsourcing, but because of the cost, you can create a lot more of these videos and rank them for the same money. Confused? I kinda am, so I’ll go more detail for you.

The Cheaper Video

If you don’t want to invest a lot of money for whatever reason, and would prefer to start spending more when you starting seeing commissions, then the cheaper option is for you. I still use videos that I created myself for free today, because making multiple commissions from something you paid nothing to create, is always going to be a smart move. The only problem is, you need to do everything yourself. Not the SEO part, that’s still going to cost you money, but the video production. You need to do the voiceover, make the slides for the video, edit the video to make it look good, which is hard work. Fortunately, I’m not afraid of a bit of grinding, but sometimes I really can’t be bothered, so I spend money on an outsourced video, which converts better anyway.

The Expensive Video

The expensive video is going to cost you about $20 to produce. Maybe more if you want a longer video. For the amount of videos that you want to be making and uploading, that is a high price to spend on every video. The reason this type of video is expensive, is because it involves you outsourcing the script performance to an actor on Fiverr. It takes care of the voice over, and seriously cuts down the amount of editing you need to do, because the Fiverr actor will stand up in front of a camera and present it. Naturally, with a bit if editing, these videos are a whole lot more engaging than your cheap slideshow video. Thus, they convert higher, and will most likely make more money in the long run than the cheap alternative.

So which is best?

Honestly? A mixture of both is best. These days, because of lack of time, I’m making more and more fully outsourced videos, because even if the video ends up a dud, one of my consistent videos can easily cover the cost quite quickly. But for a newbie, you should definitely get experience before you go spending money all gung ho. Go for the cheaper option a couple of times, and then when you’ve practised the whole thing a couple of times, try an outsourced video. A large part of this working and making money, is ROI which is easy to do. By learning how to do things cheaply, but still effectively, you stand to make a lot more money than if you just outsourced everything.

If you really don’t want to do your own voiceover, then I suppose you have no other choice but to outsource everything. It’s easy though, and I’ll teach you how to do a voiceover. In case you some more information, here is a table listing the pros and cons of both video models.

At the end of the day, I’m teaching you both ways to make the videos from start to finish, so it’s up to how much money you want to spend from the outset really. I simply started of being prudent with the cash, and invested more as my income grew. Simple, and it worked.

Downloading Camtasia Studio 8

Camtasia Studio, which I normally shorten to just “Camtasia”, is one of the best video editing pieces of software on the whole Internet. It’s insanely easy to use, and after spending a little time getting the hang of it, you can produce awesome videos in minutes. It is pricey though. Luckily, it comes with a free 30 day free trial.
After that, I just completely remove it from my PC, and install the software again. It’s a hassle sure, but I don't like spending tons of money on something I can work around. Download Camtasia from the Techsmith Website and install it on your PC or laptop.

The first time you open the application, there will be a video on the timeline already, which provides a basic introduction to Camtasia Studio 8, and I recommend you watch it.

Creating The Voiceover

Before you start with anything visual at all, you need to get the voiceover for the video done. Don’t be nervous about speaking into a microphone for a Youtube video. You aren’t showing your face, and nobody you know will ever see your video. Remember, almost nobody likes the sound of their own voice, but you shouldn’t let that stand in your way of profit! I have selected a few high quality tutorials that you can watch to master this step.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH_9ovx2A7A (He uses a previous version ofCamtasia, but its still the best Audio Tutorial on Youtube)

Outsourcing Your Video
The other option, of course, it to spend a little money and outsource your video. The downside, is that it costs money. The upside, is that it converts better, and is much easier to do for a newbie. I love outsourcing a video, because it feels like cheating. It’s like paying someone to mow your lawn. You know you could do it yourself and save money, but it feels good just being lazy. Sometimes though, you may just not have the time to create a video yourself. Outsourcing one in the matter of minutes is better than doing nothing. The only problem is, if you continue to outsource every single one of your videos, the bills start to add up, and you will be forced to stop completely. The best way to go about outsourcing the video, is to go Fiverr, and look for people who do “Video Testimonials” for you.

These people will take your script, and read it in front of a camera, acting as genuine as a $5 actor could possibly be. Unfortunately, the good ones will only act a limited number of words out, before you have to buy another gig. It’s usually between 50 and 70 words per $5, so your average script is going to set you back $20-$30 each. The good thing is, this requires you to do almost no editing, these kind of videos convert much higher, and you can from “script” to “video” with less than 5 minutes of work.

On – Page SEO for Videos

Unfortunately, it isn't now a case of simply uploading your video and seeing the money roll in. That would be nice, I'm sure, but it's also unrealistic to even think that way. You need to stand out, and step up the game if you're going to beat your competition. Now, you need to work on ranking that video in Google and Youtube, so you have to do some kind of SEO. Although in my opinion, Video SEO is 10x easier than Website SEO, they are both fundamentally the same. Ranking a video requires both “On Page SEO”, and also “Off Page SEO”. It's super easy to do for video. There are really only 3 simple steps to this.
1. Write A Good Description/Title
2. Upload Your Transcript (script)
3. Choose The Right Tags
Off-page SEO for Videos

Those of you who have tried your hand at traditional, website SEO, may be starting to get a bit nervous here. Off Site SEO for websites, is frustrating, time-consuming, pricey, but thankfully, totally different to Youtube Video SEO. Yep, you can breathe a sigh of relief here. In fact, you will be shocked at just how easy it is to rank a video on Youtube and Google. You’ll be more suprised when you hear that I outsource almost all of it on Fiverr.comOnce the video is uploaded, you will have a URL which you can use to link to your video. You need to send backlinks to this video link to show Google that it is relevant. The backlinks are easily purchased from Fiverr, and I find that a link pyramid works best for ranking the Youtube Videos.

Last Words

This is a method that I personally use. Because I have had success from it, I find it easy to say that you would be a fool to not try this. You many have failed at a method in the past. Stay motivated, and never give up. Think how great it would feel if you could quit your day job and do this method instead? Work out how much you would need to replace your income, and set a goal for yourself to be earning that amount per month. If your job pays you $3000 a month, you would only need to make $100 a day to replace that income. When you are promoting products that pay a commision of between $20 and $60, you don’t need many sales to be making $100 a day. Learn skills properly. For anything to do with video, you will always go further than others if you actually know how to use video software. I recommend Camtasia Studio because it is quality, easy to use, and free if you want it to be. This is 2014, and your audience expects things to look good, because everything else they see online looks good. Using powerpoint to make videos is going to be boring, and your audience won't watch it.

Try and do the steps in order. You will get things done faster that way. Instead of thinking it would be a good idea to create 5 scripts at the same time, or do the steps “in bulk” separately, you will find it easier just doing the steps in order. You will get complete videos finished and uploaded a lot faster, and that means you will be making money faster.
With that being said, I thank you for reading this far, and I’m confident you will take action now.


Thanks for writing such a detailed post.
I have a couple of questions.
1) how much time do you take to write your script?
2) can you recommend some other editing software?


New member
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Are you still bringing money in from these videos and thanks for sharing this formula.


Hi is this still workin for ya? Seems like a bit dated method...anything g related to you tube commenting to me is a waste of time..correct me if I'm wrong

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