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I'm Victor Rioseco



I'm a high school student that is ready to start working and getting this MONEY. I got brought into this by my friend, I'm very new and hope to like this as he will guide me through it all. I'm 17 turning 18 this September so I'm starting early. I want to be able to help anyone who has ever helped me with this, I don't like the idea of a nine to five and this sounds very promising. I have a lot of goals and hope to reach them early on in life.


Hey there welcome. If you stick with this there is a lot f money to be made.


welcome to the forums! there is a lot of promise and potential in this industry to make thousands a day no problem!

Jason Streby

Welcome to the club, it's good to have you here... That said let me give you just one little piece of practical advice that I wish someone gave me when I started a long time ago.

Spend a bit of time getting familiar with your options, you can do that by just going through all the training available to you in the main member's area.

Then, after that... pick something you really feel like you could spend a lot of time working on, and then just do it.

You're going to run into bumps in the road, you're going to have times where you'll get frustrated and maybe even want to give up but stick it out and find ways to solve those problems because that's what being your own boss is all about. Stick with it and always be improving and you will be heavily rewarded for all that hard work.

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