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Hi, everyone! Francis here.



I've always been interested in earning money online. But more than that, I'd like to build my own business now for my future.

I've been trying to learn affiliate marketing for months now and still looking for my first profitable campaign. I've tried learning by myself through YouTube, reading blogs, and launching my own campaigns. However, I always end up with information overload.

Now, I'll start all over with a new strategy: relearn everything from one place, Powerhouse Affiliate. I've also been going through the courses these past few days and I really like how they are able to simplify affiliate marketing concepts. The challenge now is applying what I've learned.

I've also been trying PPV for a while and would like to focus on it, first. Any tips?


focus on one traffic source, don't spread yourself out to thin, become an expert on that one traffic source, spy and see what others are doing and what works and use all that to launch your own campaign. Track everything, every single bit of information from keywords, state, country, devices, anything you can collect. The more data you have the more you can optimize and increase your chances of a successful campaign.


I have found PPV is always a tough traffic source to scale and use for long term. The campaigns usually only last for a small amount of time and ROI is peanuts compared to search traffic, or social media. Thats just my opinion. I first started on Bing and found a couple campaigns that earned hundreds a day for years. You wont find that on PPV in my opinion.


Hey, thanks for the responses! I guess I'll start with Bing, first, to get my feet wet and just focus on that traffic source. Cheers!


Hey, Joey! Thanks for the link. I've taken the course and submitted my application to Vault Media. Hoping to get approved. :)

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