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HELP!!!Which offers run bing is best?



Hi everyone,could you tell me which offers run bing is best?and used what landingpage,thanks so much

Jason Streby

Some very reasonable questions but allow me to offer some ideas if you don't mind.

The simple truth is that the things you asked up there are too broad, they're too non-specific to really help you with.
Don't worry about it too much, the truth is that we all ask questions like that when we're starting out which means that you're right on track, and that's a good thing!

So you want to use Bing for traffic, is that correct?

And you asked about landing pages and offers...

What sort of niche did you want to test out, if you have a niche already picked out?

How did you come to your choice for this niche? (this step is pretty important & I'll talk more about it if you would like)

And finally...

How long have you been studying the material here at Powerhouse Affiliate so far? Did you manage to go through all the material and understand it pretty well?

This forum is open to all members to ask for help, and that's what you did so let's talk about these things and perhaps we can help you get going :)


Yes Bing is a search engine...so basically people go there to search for things they want to know. What you should be doing is first asking your affiliate manager which offers accept Search traffic, then that will help you narrow down your search for offers. Your affiliate manager might be able to give you a few ideas on which offers work best on their network for you. Your landing pages need to follow the normal rules of landing pages. There is a lot of stuff in here about landing pages. Keep your ads and landing pages and offers consistent with each other.


any product related to the searches should convert. It's all about testing what works with different offers, different landing pages and being consistent in your testing.

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