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Show Me The Money! How Do I Make Money From My Email List?



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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We've updated some of our courses recently and now working on the email marketing course.

If you aren't building an email list I would argue you are missing out.

But making money from your email lists is not as easy as just blasting people with offers.

Once you develop the skill of selling to your list, you‟re truly in control of your revenue.

When you really understand how to send out an email that gets attention and results, you will be able to consistently predict how much revenue you will earn every month from your list.

Let me make sure there's no misunderstanding here: You CAN master sending profitable email messages. Quite simply it comes down to making offers that match your subscribers‟ interests.

When people first start an email list they are thrilled to have a medium by which they can share information to a large group of people.

When it comes to selling, however, they freeze up and shut down. They think... “My list will leave me if I send them too many promotional emails!” or “I'll get reported as a spammer!'

We didn't just go through all the work of setting up your email list only to give all your knowledge and expertise away for free!

I have good news for you: The best marketers don't SELL, they simply connect people with what then need when then need it.

1. The Information Sell

There are going to be many people who come to your email list just for information. They're just not in the mindset to buy and they're not ready to buy, yet. It's your job to show these people that they can trust you 110% percent. You do this by providing high quality information that is useful to them. This way they'll take your information and come back for more (versus taking it, getting everything they could ever wish for, and never coming back again).

But here‟s the catch: If they want 'more' it‟s going to cost them. At the point where you've given away great value that leads to more value, it's really not a difficult sell. The Information Sell can come in many forms, including:
- courses
- ebooks
- webinars
- tools & templates

These can be affiliate offers from Clickbank for example.

2. The Straight Sale

There are going to be people on your email list who are ready to buy right away. They are looking for a solution to a specific problem or need and if your product fits the bill they will buy it. Don't neglect these people by not sending them directly to offers.

Tell them what you have, what problem it solves and how they can buy it. The people ready to buy it will appreciate you making it easy for them, and the people not ready with either delete or file it away for later.

If you feel unsure of where to start and what to write to your email list, think of your potential customer.

What do they need?
What problems might they be facing?
How can you help?

Your best solution to 'email marketing writer's block' is to put yourself in their shoes, use your own creativity and start communicating!

Don't be afraid of messing up. Do you always say the right thing to the right people in your daily life? Of course not!

When it comes right down to it selling to your email list is about communication. The only way to communicate with people is to start sending. As you start to observe open rates and click rates and unsubscribe rates you will start to learn more about what your list responds well to.

It takes time to really understand the needs and to deliver true value, but in the end it will pay you off.

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