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Building a List & Making Profits - Your Guide



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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I will just briefly describe the overall success formula used to build multiple profitable campaigns on command. These are things you need to keep in the back of your mind the entire time you are building your own campaigns. Generally affiliates who wish to build a list will buy traffic or create "free" traffic by SEO and then send that traffic to a squeeze page to collect emails.
Today we are going to go beyond the traditional methods. Innovate your way to success!

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” -Zig Ziglar-

Maximizing Affiliate Profits

Growing a massive email list is an incredible feeling. Hopefully if you do your job right your list will be extremely interested in what you deliver, which is what they signed up with you for to begin with .
As an affiliate your goal is to increase your affiliate income daily. As an email and CPA marketer combined...your potential for growth is limitless. There are specific things you need to do to make more money. Here are some things to remember.
The idea is to separate yourself from traditional affiliate marketing and scaling past everyone else.

Increasing Your List Size & Matching Offers

It's nice to think that the larger your list the better your campaign performance will be. This is not always true, but for the most part if you treat your list with respect and send good content...then yes a bigger list will make you more money. Making money always depends on how well you present your email content. It is very easy to create a squeeze page to look like the first step in completing an offer. We did this in our CPA Cash Vault 3.0 Training course in the training library.

Once the person has engaged by entering their email they have already started convincing themselves that they are going to continue on and do what's necessary to get the end "product". The process of entering an email is a psychological commitment and if you design the squeeze page to flow right into the CPA offer your conversions will skyrocket.
Below are ways that I increase my list size. I use them every day or as often as possible.

Buying Solo Ads – If you have never tried or even heard of solo ads then you are missing out on a huge traffic source.
Buying a solo ad simply means paying someone to send your message to their list in return for a payment or even possibly a return mailing. People do this all the time to grow their list size and it works. If it didn't I would not waste my time doing it EVERY SINGLE DAY or as often as possible.

Here are a few more resources for you to look into when considering solo ads for building your email lists:

udimi.com – this is by far considered to be one of the most popular sources for solo ads and solo ad reviews by actual customers. Again, you don’t want to just jump in full-blast. Buy the smallest amount possible when dealing with brand new providers you’ve never worked with before, test out what they have to offer and see how it works out for you. If it goes well then ramp up and take off!

mlmleads.com – this is for those of you who are a bit more established or have more money to play with. It’s a more expensive option than Udimi but it can also often times yield higher results. I would recommend bookmarking this or adding it to your resource list so you have it for later once you’re more established if you aren’t already.

trafficforme.com – here is a great resource if you’re looking for place you can buy high quality email leads for a reasonable price. This is a bit more on the premium side as well but if you have the means then you may wish to give them a shot.

warriorforum.com – I’m sure a lot of people who read this will be familiar with the warrior forum and it’s classified ads section. This link points back to that specific section where you can browse the list on that site for solo ad providers who you may wish to strike a deal with. A lot of these providers have contact emails and Skype names you can add to your own contacts and then get in touch with them later. You may even be able to work out a special deal in a lot of cases provided your bargaining skills are up to par and they see you as a serious buyer down the line.

Use Paid Traffic Methods

I often try many paid traffic sources for growing my niche lists and these sources include Facebook, Google Ads and Bing Ads. We have included a massive list of places to buy traffic from, and if you browse through all our other courses we have specific courses for many different traffic sources.

I keep up with my ad performance by tracking it with my tracking software CPVLabs.

Blogging –

I know people hate blogging but I don’t. I just want to touch on this for a bit since it is an important part of building long term traffic. Sometimes I outsource the work on building a blog, especially in my niches that I am not an expert in. I don't start building the blog until I know the niche is profitable through my paid traffic testing and optimization.

When you start a blog you have a foundation of content to send your email readers to. I have a blog in the Relationships niche and I have never written any articles to that blog. I outsourced the whole thing with upwork.com

When you produce or have produced QUALITY content your email subscribers will stay on your list. It just works like that. People are interested in bettering their relationship, and in my case the content I have posted to the blog every week keeps them engaged. Not only am I building my list from natural search of my content, but I am also producing high quality content that my subscribers want to read.

For my relationships niche blog I send an email, and get over 30% open and click through to the article. I earn money from AdSense and other Affiliate offers. For this list, I never send them any blatant promotions. I just send them content that benefits them in some way and let the revenue from advertising make me profits.

Guest Blogging/Posting –

I often have articles written and posted to other blogs with my bio attached to the footer of the blog post and sometimes on the top of the post. Guest posting is a great opportunity to get your name and content in front of a whole new audience resulting in more traffic to your website and more subscribers to your list.

The goal is to write content that is so good that the reader cannot help themselves but to subscribe to your blog. Growing your popularity this way can either be extremely fast or a slower growth depending on how actively you are guest posting to other similar blogs.
I can tell you for a fact that I have at least one guest post being sent out to another blog each week. I have a guy for my relationships niche site who writes for me and he does an excellent job.

Blogging is a long term approach which sometimes does not benefit you right away. Examples like this one are traditional methods that continue to work, and they should not be ignored! But in our traffic courses we explain how to fast start your lists using highly relevant niche sites to get traffic from and extremely good and cheap traffic. Hiring people to perform these tasks for you such as writing can sometimes be a bit intimidating when you’re just starting out but always remember… you’re the boss, you set the standards and expectations. If you treat the people you’re working with right and do your part then they will do theirs. Just be sure to overlook all work you get band and double check for quality control, unfortunately there are scammers and lazy folks out there who will just write up a bunch of garbage or plagiarized works and charge you for it. Keep on your toes and you’ll do fine.

Increasing Campaign Performance

The ultimate goal in your affiliate business is to better your overall campaign performance and you want to keep improving it. It is hard wired into our affiliate brains. We never stop improving and creating. If you are not this type of affiliate then you are probably not seeing much success and probably will not get very far in your business. Good luck to ya!

Your Own Performance –

You are not going to get anywhere if all you do is buy products, read them and move to the next product. You will not get very far if you are lazy. If you stay consistent and continue to focus on the bigger picture then I promise you that you will succeed.

A good example I would like to share with you is a friend of mine name Mike Thomas. I was featured on his blog at one point in 2013 for a product we launched which was the top product for that day in one of the better known product platforms, also known as WSOTD (WSO of the day). This guy went from barely making money online to over $10k per month because he stayed the course and didn’t give up. He was consistent in his work and did not let set-backs discourage him. His approach was posting videos every single day for his Mike from Maine show and sharing his results through his income reports on his blog.

The point is he was consistent. This gave him a good image and grew his affiliate business. (Hey Mike)

Content Is Important –

I know I have touched on content and how quality content is needed, but I want to stress this point even further with the email portion of your business. This is the main part of our business. How we make our money. The rest is just how we funnel subscribers. I use my blog to deliver more reading material but I get my traffic from my email updates which generate clicks to my ads or just grows my traffic stats making my website attractive to potential ad buyers, this is synergy at its finest.

Professional email messages -

My email content includes a very attractive headline, a body of text and a clear call to action. A good email usually has all three. If you want your email readers to go to your website or click through it is a good idea to keep the email body short and the call to action extremely clear.
You want them to take the required action, and the sooner you get them to this call to action the better your chances for success in many cases. You still want to make sure you have added value in the email. Sometimes this is not the case and really depends on the niche you are in and your approach. As you progress in your marketing career you will develop a feel for these things naturally so don’t worry too much about it right now.

If your emails are not opened then how are you supposed to make money? You cannot and will not make money. That is why your headline is extremely important. Here are a couple other resources for headlines:

The body of your email is not as important as the headline or the call to action. Usually my goal is to say a few points about where I am taking them in the call to action and that is all. My messages are usually short and to the point.


Grow! Grow! Grow! They say the money is in the list. They also say content is key ... which one is it? I say both. I say build your content powerhouses and at the same time also build that email list. It is not hard to do if you just follow the above steps and reproduce results time and time again.

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