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6 Best Practices for Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rate



Subject Line of an email is often a deciding factor that if the receiver will open the email or it will get ignored. These days when people get tons of emails each month, your email can easily get ignored for several reasons and one of the reason could be a boring Subject Line.

For marketing professionals, getting more people open an email means more conversions. Here are best practices to write an impressive subject line.

1) Keep it short!
People often open their emails on their mobiles, so you want to make sure they can see the important keywords in your subject line that will determine them to open the email.

2) Choice of power words
Use action-oriented verbs first – these types of verbs tend to attract more opens, use words like “discover” or “find the best way to” or “get the new…”, etc

3) Don't forget to personalize
Always personalize where possible, by including the recipients’ name in the subject line.

4) Include the Main Keyword
Demonstrate value/explain what the email is about: “Increase your email subscriptions by x%” or “here is your guide to conversion optimization”

5) Deadline in Subject Lines
Do you have any exclusive offers or discounts? Use subject lines like “Exclusive offer for you, [first name]” or “Last day to get your free gift!”.

6) Use numbers
I’ve found that just like blog posts with numbers in the title tend to work better and get more traffic and engagement, the same happens with email subject lines. It can be something like “10 ways to increase your conversion rate today”, you can be more creative doing this.

Keep these 6 tips in mind while writing your next subject line and see the open rate getting better than usual.

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